Sunday, December 22, 2013

Nigella Lawson and Charles Saatchi PAs cleared of fraud

Nigella Lawson has said she is "disappointed but unsurprised" that two sisters who worked as her personal assistants have been cleared of fraud.
The trial of Francesca Grillo, 35, and sister Elisabetta, 41, heard they spent £685,000 on credit cards owned by the TV cook and ex-husband Charles Saatchi.
They claimed the TV cook allowed their spending to cover up her cocaine use.
Ms Lawson, 53, said her experience as a witness was "deeply disturbing" and she had been "maliciously vilified".

Everyday Sexism Project hits 50,000 entries - what does that tell you?

'I've heard from girls who've suffered assault in their school uniform'. Picture posed by a model.After two years and 50,000 stories of sexual harassment and discrimination, it's time to stop questioning women's stories, and start listening to them

I've heard from girls who've suffered assault in their school uniform'. Picture posed by a model. Photograph: Alamy
Have you ever asked a woman if she's experienced sexism? Try it sometime, if you have a few hours to spare. Her answer is likely to shock you.
Monday, July 15, 2013


By Joanna Bounds |
Even though we all hope our marriage will last forever, a third of marriages end in divorce, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics. “Tough spots will always occur - one partner might get sick, get the sack, or need to attend to a dying parent,” says psychologist Meredith Fuller, explaining that every union will go through happy and hard times. A long-lasting marriage needs commitment,

7 Tips on Keeping Your Marriage Alive

Carrie Perrins
1. Put each other first.
I specifically put this tip as #1 because it is so important. Don't put your children before your marriage. Don't put your hobbies, your careers, your families before him. He is your number priority, that is the way God intended it to be. Show him that he is number one in your life.

2. Pray for each other.
I don't think that there is a day that goes by that I
Thursday, July 11, 2013



To spread HIV during sex, HIV infection in blood or sexual fluids must be transmitted to someone. Sexual fluids come from a man’s penis or from a woman’s vagina, before, during, or after orgasm. HIV can be transmitted when infected fluid gets into someone’s body.
You can’t spread HIV if there is no HIV infection. If you and your partners are not infected with HIV, there is no risk. An “undetectable viral load does NOT mean “no HIV infection.” If there is no contact with blood or sexual fluids, there is no risk. HIV needs to get into the body for infection to occur.
Safer sex guidelines are ways to reduce the risk of spreading HIV during sexual activity.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Breast Enhancement Surgery

Breast Enhancement Surgery

Breast enlargement surgery, according to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS), was the fourth most popular invasive surgical procedure among cosmetic plastic surgeries performed in 2000. In a press release dated July 12, 2001, the ASPS says that breast augmentation was performed on 212,500 women last year.

Meanwhile, millions of women have been subjected to the ill effects of these modern day vanity contraptions that were bought in good faith.


Silicone gel implants were banned in 1992 by FDA.

If you have (or had) a ruptured silicone breast implant, you will be denied Health Insurance Coverage.

Breast Implants and Breast Feeding

Breast Implants and Breast Feeding

A lot of women ask if they can breast feed after Breast Augmentation Surgery.  The answer is a resounding yes.  For the vast majority of women who have a BA breastfeeding is no more

 Breastfeeding is a growing concern with patients who have had Breast Augmentation surgery.  In previous years, women who received implants were married and had already finished with childbearing.  However, more and more single women, and women who have not finished or even begun childbearing are having the surgery.
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In 1992 the first report of a Silicone Illness hit the media.  At that time there was fear that breastfeeding with silicone implants would endanger the child.  There has been studies performed to show this not to be the case.  The main reason being that the silicone molecule is too large to pass into the milk ducts.

Breast Implants and Breast Feeding

Breast Implants and Breast Feeding

A lot of women ask if they can breast feed after Breast Augmentation Surgery.  The answer is a resounding yes.  For the vast majority of women who have a BA breastfeeding is no more difficult with implants than without.  In fact, some women who have breast fed with and without implants say that breastfeeding with implants is easier! 

 Breastfeeding is a growing concern with patients who have had Breast Augmentation surgery.  In previous years, women who received implants were married and had already finished with childbearing.  However, more and more single women, and women who have not finished or even begun childbearing are having the surgery.

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